Lifetime email addresses

Lifetime email addresses are available to current students, alumni/alumnae, faculty, staff, and former faculty and staff. Since the method of issuance and use differs depending on the time of enrollment, please check below for the method corresponding to your time of enrollment. (As a rule, it takes about 1-2 weeks to issue the certificate.)

[Table of Contents of this page]

[Note to those enrolled in the 2023 school year or later]

*A note on the s+student ID address for current students*

Please be sure to use "s+student ID" for emails related to academic work, such as submitting reports and sending/receiving emails related to classes.


In the month following the month of admission, the "" address will be available for "s+student ID" as well as email addresses created based on your name and other information. No application for use is required for this e-mail address. For students enrolled in and after the 2023 academic year, this "address created based on your name" will become your "lifetime email address ( after graduation/completion" at the University.


*Students enrolled in 2021 or earlier may use a lifetime email address ( Please note that the lifetime e-mail address ( will be automatically created as "familyname.firstname.tkb_xx (xx is two English letters that vary from person to person)" based on your name at the time of admission, in principle. Please understand that the information will be created mechanically and uniformly. For information on how to send and receive the e-mail address created based on your name, please refer to the e-mail notification sent to your "s+student ID" e-mail address in a single e-mail the month following the month of enrollment. If you have lost your notification e-mail, etc., please refer to the following instructions.


created based on your name How to verify your email address (click here)
(Only webmail will be sent from the email address created based on your name.) ******************************************************************************************************************


Notification Schedule (1)) For students admitted in the spring semester

*For April enrollment.(Students enrolled from 5/1 to 9/30 are handled in Schedule 2)

May: Email notification of how to use email address with alias function


Notification Schedule (2)) For students admitted in the fall semester

*For October enrollment.(For students enrolling between 11/1 and 3/31, see Schedule 1).

November: Email notification of start of use of email address with alias function

[Note to students enrolled prior to the 2021 academic year]

For a lifetime email address (, you will need to apply for issuance. For students enrolled before the academic year 2021, Gmail of Google Workspace for Education will be the "lifetime email address ( after graduation/completion" at the University.

*If you were enrolled in the 2023 academic year or later, you can continue to use "" after graduation. Please note that a lifetime e-mail address ( will be created based on the name (marked with English letters) of the applicant, using "familyname.firstname.xx (where xx is two English letters that vary from person to person)" in a uniform and mechanical way. Please note that the information will be created in a uniform format. Please make sure that there are no errors in the application, as corrections cannot be made after the application has been prepared. Also, the characters before @ are limited to 20 characters due to system reasons.


Please note that if the text exceeds that number, we will create the text within 20 characters. Please note that after January 2023, new uploads to Google Drive Photos will no longer be available. (Gmail will continue to be available.) Currently, the storage usage capacity of the entire lifetime email address has greatly exceeded the capacity allocated to the University, and this will hinder the future operation of the lifetime email address. The maximum storage capacity available per person is 20 GB from October 2022. If you are using more than 20GB of storage space, please reduce the amount of space by deleting files as soon as possible. Gmail, Drive, and Photo data may be deleted when exceeding 20 GB.

New application and password reissue (for current students enrolled before FY2021)

*This is an application for a new lifetime email address ( and password reissue. Please complete the Lifetime Email Address Request Form below with the following information to request a lifetime email address.

● Items required for identification

1. Name (in kanji or loanword) e.g.: 筑波 太郎

2. Name (in English, last name must be written in all capital letters) e.g. TSUKUBA Taro

3. date of birth (year) e.g.: 1973/10/1

4. Year of entrance (Western calendar year) e.g. 1973

5. affiliation with a school group, a graduate school, a department, a faculty, or a major

6. @u. E-mail address

New application and password reissue (graduates and alumni)


Please complete the Lifetime Email Address Request Form below with the following information to request a lifetime email address. Our staff will later contact you by e-mail with the URL where you can submit the documents required for identification.

● Items required for identification

1. Name at the time of enrollment (in kanji or loanword) e.g.: 筑波 太郎

2. Name at the time of enrollment (in alphabetical order, last name in all capital letters) e.g.: TSUKUBA Taro

3. Date of birth (Western calendar year) e.g.: 1973/10/1

4. Year of entrance (Western calendar year)

5. Your home school, graduate school, research group, department, or degree program (If you entered graduate school from one of our school groups, please inform us of your affiliation)

6. Contact e-mail address (e-mail address at which the applicant can be reached)

New application and password reissue (current faculty and staff)

This is an application for a new lifetime email address ( and password reissue. Please apply for a new lifetime email address ( or by using a University of Tsukuba domain email account ( or to the following Application Form.

● Items required for identification

1. Name (in kanji or loanword) e.g.: 筑波 太郎

2. Name (in English characters) e.g. TSUKUBA Taro

3. Date of birth (year) e.g.: 1973/10/1

4. Affiliation e.g. Humanities and Social Sciences

5. @u email address or @un email address e.g.

New application/reissue of password (retired faculty/staff)

*This is an application for a new lifetime email address ( and password reissue. Please complete the Lifetime Email Address Request Form below with the following information to request a lifetime email address. Our staff will later contact you by e-mail with the URL where you can submit the documents required for identification.

● Items required for identification

1. Name at the time of enrollment (in kanji or loanword) e.g. 筑波 花子

2. Name at the time of enrollment (in English) e.g. TSUKUBA Hanako 3. Date of birth (year) e.g.: 1953/10/1

4. Department name at the time of employment e.g.: Business Development Promotion Office

5. Year of enrollment

6. Contact e-mail address (e-mail address at which the applicant can be reached)




Personal information provided on the Application Form will be used only for the issuance and management of the Lifetime Mail and will not be provided to any third party. For inquiries regarding the issuance of a lifetime e-mail address or the handling of personal information, please contact Office of Business and Stakeholder Relations.

E-mail: (replace "#@#" with "@")